How to Dress for a Business Interview

One of the many things I have learned since being in college is how to dress for a business setting. Between involvement interviews, job interviews and chapter meetings for my sorority, it is so important to have business attire. 

Sometimes though, dressing for an interview or work can be confusing. I never knew whether to wear black slacks and heels or a more casual dress. After becoming a pro at dressing for success I figured it be fun to blog about what to wear on a business interview!

First of all, there are two different kinds of business interviews: business casual and business professional. They vary in a few different ways as business casual is less fancy.

Some popular options for business casual:
1. casual pants or skirt, but NO jeans. solid colors like black, khaki, brown or navy
2. light sweaters or cardigans
3. knit or polo tops
4. shoes: low heels or ballet flats. try to avoid wearing open-toed sandals


Options for business professional:
1. A full pant or skirt suit with blazer
2. Professional tops, nothing low cut or inappropriate
3. Flats or low heels

For any interview it is extremely important to look put together, with hair and makeup done. You’ll want to wear minimal makeup and perfume.

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