Outfits on outfits on outfits

Hi guys! I decided to once again take pictures of my outfits for the past week at work and post them. Just like last time, I will post where I got everything from so you can find the looks for cheap! 

On Tuesday I finally got to wear my combat boots ($40 from American Eagle). Since it was chilly outside, I wore a long sleeve green top from Forever 21 with leggings and a black scarf (most likely from Target).

On Wednesday, our crazy Florida weather decided it wanted to be hot again. So i wore black jeans (American Eagle), ballet flats (Payless), blue tank and white cardigan (Forever 21) with fashion necklace (Target).

On Thursday, I kept it simple with jeans (American Eagle), white T-shirt, blue belt (Forever 21) with matching blue scarf (H&M), and Jack Rogers.

All of the outfits I wear are usually a combination of me and the outfits I pin on Pinterest. If you are interested, here is the link to my fashion board on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/hponnock/fa-hion/



Fashion Necklaces <3

Hey everyone! 

One of my favorite things about fashion is accessories! In particular, I love necklaces the most. I think that a cute necklace can make any outfit so much better.

Lately, chunky necklaces have been very popular. I posted some examples below.

I first saw the bubble necklace (shown far left) on the J. Crew website for $150.00. While I would love to own one, I could never afford a necklace that expensive. So I did a little research. Turns out, there are tons of places that sell knock offs of the bubble necklace for $10-20. A good website to check is Etsy. http://bitly.com/Q8x4



Both of these photos are pictures I found on Pinterest and pinned to my fashion board. As you can see, the necklaces really make the outfit bolder and better, especially the black dress. A necklace can give the plain, simple outfits more color. 




I personally love fashion necklaces because they can make any outfit better. Very often, I will wear a plain white top and jeans with a big, colorful necklace. It not only adds color to the outfit, but it makes a casual outfit a little bit nicer and appropriate for work or a dinner. 

How to Dress for a Business Interview

One of the many things I have learned since being in college is how to dress for a business setting. Between involvement interviews, job interviews and chapter meetings for my sorority, it is so important to have business attire. 

Sometimes though, dressing for an interview or work can be confusing. I never knew whether to wear black slacks and heels or a more casual dress. After becoming a pro at dressing for success I figured it be fun to blog about what to wear on a business interview!

First of all, there are two different kinds of business interviews: business casual and business professional. They vary in a few different ways as business casual is less fancy.

Some popular options for business casual:
1. casual pants or skirt, but NO jeans. solid colors like black, khaki, brown or navy
2. light sweaters or cardigans
3. knit or polo tops
4. shoes: low heels or ballet flats. try to avoid wearing open-toed sandals


Options for business professional:
1. A full pant or skirt suit with blazer
2. Professional tops, nothing low cut or inappropriate
3. Flats or low heels

For any interview it is extremely important to look put together, with hair and makeup done. You’ll want to wear minimal makeup and perfume. 


Happy Halloween!

Boo! As I was getting ready to go out on Halloween night, I realized I was celebrating a holiday I didn’t know much about besides the fact that we get candy and dress up in crazy costumes. So my curiosity took me to Google where I researched the history of Halloween and found out some very interesting information.

Halloween’s origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. The Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago celebrated their new year on November 1. This day marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. On the night of October 31 they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth.

My favorite part of Halloween besides the candy is seeing all the creative costumes! I have a lot of pictures of my family and friends from Halloween night that I wanted to post because everyone’s costumes were great!

My two younger brothers dressed up in their Captain America and Hulk costumes with all their candy!

Me and my little sister in my sorority, Annaleigh, on Halloween night. I went dressed up as a cat and she went out as a hippie.

My sister Karleigh (left), my mom Maria (right), and my two younger brothers (front) dressed and ready for the annual neighborhood Halloween parade. My mom dressed up as Cleopatra and my sister was a devil.